Samantha Regenthal, LL.M

Samantha is a specialist in life-sciences laws and regulations and has a comprehensive understanding of the sector. She is also a recognised expert in EU competition law.

Samantha Regenthal, LL.M

Samantha is a specialist in life-sciences laws and regulations and has a comprehensive understanding of the sector. She is also a recognised expert in EU competition law.

Samantha Regenthal, LL.M

Samantha is a specialist in life-sciences laws and regulations and has a comprehensive understanding of the sector. She is also a recognised expert in EU competition law.

Samantha Regenthal, LL.M. studied law in Sweden and Germany and has been practising as in-house and external counsel since 2006.

In her current and past roles, Samantha has gained extensive expertise in initiating, maintaining and optimising compliant structures, processes and tools. Her working languages are English, German and Swedish. 

Samantha is a specialist in life-sciences laws and regulations and has a comprehensive understanding of the sector. She is also a recognized expert in EU competition law.

Before founding her own company in 2014, Samantha worked as an inhouse counsel at Roche headquarters in Basel, Switzerland and as Head Legal Services at the life-sciences consultancy SFL in Basel, Switzerland, counselling global product strategy and regulatory teams on all legal and compliance matters associated with pharmaceutical development and marketing.

Samantha has published several articles in Swiss and EU law and life-sciences journals.



  • Potential Impact on life-sciences

    Proposed EU data protection regulation: Potential Impact on life-sciences", European Pharmaceutical Contractor, Fall 2014

  • Company Compliance

    European Pharmaceutical Contractor, Winter 2013

  • Anmerkung zu EuGH, Urteil vom 26.4.2007, C-348/04Boehringer Ingelheim KG u.a. / Dowelhurst Ltd u.a.

    ("Remark to the Judgement in Case C-348/04 Boehringer Ingelheim KG u.a. / Dowelhurst Ltd u.a."), GPR Zeitschrift für Gemeinschaftsprivatrecht, Feb. 2008

  • Die Beurteilung einer marktbeherrschenden Stellung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des "more economic approach

    The assessment of a dominant position in the light of „the more economic approach""), Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb; vol. 56, afl. 12, pag. 1230-1237 / 2006, with Prof. Franz Böni , 2006

  • The law of abuse - a more economic approach to article 82

    Master thesis, Lund University, Sweden

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